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SPIN Ministry
Service to Persons In Need

Individual Counseling
Couples Counseling
Loss and Bereavement
Substance Abuse
Family Counseling
Parenting Classes
Support Groups
Children & Youth Counseling
Elderly Assistance
Lead by Ms. Shirley Hamilton, LMHC, ACSW
More Information by calling 770-436-4010
The SPIN Ministry seeks to provide a ministry of hope and caring so that no member of our congregation and community will be alone without support. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person, support those in crisis, and connect with those who are alone and lonely, and comfort those who experience loss.
SPIN seeks to address human brokenness: Psalms 42 speaks to a soul that is downcast and disturbed. Psalms 73 speaks of those whose hearts are grieved and whose spirits are embittered. Isaiah 40 refers to those who grow tired and weary. First Thessalonians 5:23 speaks to keeping your whole body, spirit, and soul blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For an Appointment or more information: 770-436-4010
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